Why is Gut Health so important?

Your digestive system—AKA the gut—is the place where everything you eat gets broken down to be absorbed and converted into energy.

When you think of digestion, you probably think of your stomach. Right? But the digestive system is much more complex.

We have what’s called the alimentary canal inside our body.

It’s essentially a 30-foot long tube. It begins with the mouth and travels along the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. The organs along this tube chew, churn and dissolve foods into tiny nutrient pieces that power your entire body.

When your digestive system is healthy, foods gets broken down properly. As a result, your body is nourished, replenished, and all systems are revved up and ready to go.

When your digestive system gets bogged down, your beneficial gut bacteria becomes imbalanced which makes it harder for your body to digest food properly. Poor digestion can lead to chronic inflammation, which results in bloating, gas, constipation, stomach pain, and other unpleasantness. You may also start craving certain foods that aren’t all that healthy.

These symptoms are your body’s way of warning you that something is wrong. It’s time to PAY ATTENTION.

college student digestive health

When your digestive system is out of balance, you feel ill.

I’m not just talking about gastrointestinal issues. Your brain, mental health, mood, and immune systems can also become compromised. Over time, these things can become toxic to your overall system, throwing it even more out of whack.

Hippocrates was right when he said,
“All disease begins in the gut.”

So if you want to avoid disease, don’t ignore the warning signs your body is giving you!

When your car’s engine light pops on, you don’t ingore it. You get it fixed. Ideally, you’d be giving your car regular maintenance to avoid this issue altogether.

Unlike a car, your body can last for upwards of 100 years! That’s a long time… and if you don’t take care of your body regularly, it’s no wonder it starts to act up. If you want it to run smoothly decade after decade, recharging your system at least once a year is a smart thing to do.

Just like a car, your gut needs regular maintenance to function optimally. Give your gut what it needs consistently and you’ll start to feel better. It really can be that simple!

NUTRITION IS KEY. You already have your best medicinal tools at your fingertips—a FORK and a KNIFE.

But if you’re like many digestively challenged folks, you’re probably confused about which foods are healthy and which diets might best suit you. It’s no wonder since so many experts are telling us different things.

There’s also the concept of bioindividuality.

Our body chemistry is different.

One person’s food can be another person’s poison.

Allow me to make this whole “what should I eat??” debacle less confusing. I’ll give you information on specific dietary guidelines that’ll help YOU with your specific symptoms.

Together we’ll create a nutrition plan and meal plans that make eating with confidence easy…without needing to worry where the nearest bathroom is or stressing about what groceries to buy this week.


Truth: Your body wants to heal itself, and it will if you provide the right environment.

Lots of us live with our foot always on the gas pedal while trying to brake at the same time. This doesn’t work. Our system doesn’t relax the way we need it to.

To recharge your gut, you must SLOW DOWN and pay attention. Sleep is important, as is exercise, relaxation and rest.

I’ll share with you simple strategies and techniques you can use to manage stress even on your busiest, most chaotic days.

So give your body a break. Let go of the bad stuff. Bring in the good stuff. And get ready to feel your best.

Did you know?

Your tongue has roughly 10,000 taste buds that allow you to taste 5 basic flavors: sweet, sour, salty, bitter and savory.

Your small intestine has villi, which are folds that look like wrinkles. Each villi has more than 1,000 microvilli. If we stretched all of these folds out, they would have the surface area of an entire tennis court!

Gut bacteria affect the entire body, including the brain. Beneficial gut bacteria synthesize some vitamins, help with digestion, balance mood, reduce anxiety, and protect against infections and some forms of cancer.